Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Collage Journal 3/30/2023 Day 6,541 Today marks the completion of the 18th year (6,541 days) of The Collage Journal. I have still not missed a day yet! Knock on wood. It has been an extraordinary journey that has taught me both the value of discipline and the growth that comes with it. Each day, I look forward to entering new visual worlds that engage internal conversations. I never know where I will end up. Through the limitations of my palette and process, I have gained freedom, and what were risks are now choices. The complete 18 years of The Collage Journal are now up on I start my 19th year tomorrow and I when I complete my 20th year in 2025, I hope to find a venue for a retrospective. I am appreciative to anyone that might have interest, contacts or ideas?


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